westingtyler's projects 
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Hotel Realm 2018.05.29

Place of antics.

The Hotel Realm. I don’t think I’ve shown it before because it’s still not as good-looking as I'd like. Here you can be a bellhop and ruin the guests’ meals and charge movies to their rooms. And you can blame co-workers. You can also do nice things and even give credit to your co-workers and get them promoted/fired.

And you can date guests behind their spouses’ backs. Totally inspired by the Merrymore Hotel scam you can do in Super Mario RPG, but cranked up to 11. I’ll probably call this the Merrymoon Hotel. Or whatever won’t get me sued. And the waterfall idea is inspired by Becky’s apartment from Talespin but way better because why not.

The goal is for this is to look a lot like Theed from Star Wars: Episode 1, but more commercial and down to Earth.

Today after I see Han Solo followed immediately by Infinity War, I’ll post pictures of Claybrooke, the clockwork village I’m working on, and an actually new realm.

#indie game development #The Realm Sequencer #oculus rift #merrymore #talespin #super mario rpg #clockwork village
13 notes
May 29th, 2018
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Everything is a work-in-progress and is subject to change. Release dates TBA.