westingtyler's projects 
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Bones Realm 2017.06.29

Feels great to make a scene more complete.

I polished up the Bones Realm. I sculpted the cave quickly in Oculus Medium and used the Directional Specular lightmapping of Unity 5.4, so I worry about how to do this in 5.6 and later. I also added lighting and dust effects and audio ambiences. All aesthetic rather than functional, but after I made the ocean shader I remembered how great it feels to have a simple but immersive and convincing environment become complete enough to get the point across. In a world of slow-moving systems development, it’s great to easily and quickly make a huge leap in quality, in at least one area.

#tRS #oculus medium #virtual reality #lovecraft #cthulhu #vr #game development
5 notes
Jun 29th, 2017
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Everything is a work-in-progress and is subject to change. Release dates TBA.