westingtyler's projects 
currently in development

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Stage House 2014.03.20

A house party as immersive theatre.

This is basically the set for a stage play you will be in the middle of. It’s people hanging out at a party (picture the cast of Friends), and you run around encountering different interactions, different ‘scenes’ and maybe even shape the outcome. This image is a Unity Editor overhead view of the VRE (virtual reality experience) I am developing about people hanging out at a party. Now that the setting is finished, I am moving on to another project since I am sick of this one and need more experience before taking on this one.

For now I am going to put this one on the backburner (with lots of other projects) while I work on developing a game that uses Playmaker. This right here falls into the range of “cool but not months worth of my time cool.“ I need to get back into learning Blender, whose controls are super unintuitive. As a result of avoiding Blender, this scene has a lot of downloaded props. house itself was build with ProCore for Unity. I was going for a Sims 4 aesthetic, and from inside the property (in the Oculus Rift) you can’t see over the fences to the unfinished void. It feels pretty cool. But I had some trouble with my Rift and am sending it in for repairs, which is another reason this has lost steam. It really is just too much work for too little payoff, at least at this time. I spent too much time focusing on aesthetics and not enough time making things work, and that is a trap I’ll try real hard to avoid with my next thing. Yeah, I will be sure to keep it hideous for as long as possible.

#Unity #house #3D #aerial #ProCore #ProBuilder #ProGrids #game design #gamedev #game development
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Everything is a work-in-progress and is subject to change. Release dates TBA.